About me

I started as a human rights lawyer and hold qualifications in law & positive psychology, with a Ph.D in therapeutic jurisprudence. My mission is to contribute to the expansion of human consciousness.

I’ve created a body of work on Personal Power, Self-Love & Inner Peace — with a touch of magic.

Latest offerings? Money Splinter Intensives & Reflection Cards & Lamp

The Splinter Method®

I have developed a powerful modality to release Unconscious Vows® and the money splinters blocking your Power, Love & Peace channels.

I currently offer a Masterclass and 1:1 intensives designed for entrepreneurs who desire to get out of their own way to expand with speed and ease.

The most common feedback is that the Splinter Method® is a magical, consciousness-expanding, poetic experience … life changing.

You can explore the 1:1 intensive here.

You can also inquire about a powerful energetic splinter-removal experience for your company, organization or team here.

What will you create when you are fully open and available for your money in the most easeful and fulfilling way?

Let’s find out:


My legal career and doctorate focused on toxic relationships. Once my Ph.D in therapeutic jurisprudence was awarded in 2013, my private coaching practice turned toward cultivating the essential ingredients for healthy relationships.

I studied positive psychology and created re.love® — a podcast and 12-week program based on self-love. I have since supported those around the world from their 20s to their 70s to establish self-worth, wholeness, and healthy partnership.

I was a Community Leader inside the La Vette dating platform and wrote for goop on love after toxic relationships.

Inside my many group and 1:1 re.love®containers, I developed and refined the method for removing splinters in the power, love and peace channels, at first related to romantic relationship and later extrapolated more broadly.


Lunar Abundance®

As a way to connect with my feminine energy and cycles when working in the law from 2007, I developed a practice called Lunar Abundance®

This sparked a global movement based on natural cycles and feminine power, with a thriving online community and 40,000 books sold over multiple titles worldwide.

In June 2024, I released my moon lamp & reflection cards globally:

Order the book and DIY tools here now.

Lunar Abundance was the original precursor to the Splinter Method®. My lunar practice helped me to gain self-awareness & to calm and soothe, but I needed to go deeper when life asked me to deepen into self-worth and resolve internal tensions.

This led to the birth of re.love and then the Splinter Method; what I now think of as the solar counterpart to Lunar Abundance, for the reason that it shines a direct light on our darkest places and ancient struggles, so we can lovingly meet our most tender parts, release what no longer serves, and come home to ourselves.

We need to prepare for this full illumination, and Lunar Abundance offers a calm, soothing preparation. I followed this exact practice for ten years myself before going deeper: